Dental Sleep Medicine and How it Can Help You Sleep Better

Dentist for Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a common problem that affects more than 50% of the population. Snoring is not just annoying to those around you.  It can lead to a number of health issues, including chronic fatigue, and is sometimes indicative of a more serious condition called sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that needs to be treated as soon as possible.  There are many remedies for snoring, but one of the most effective treatments is dental sleep medicine.

How Do I Know If I Suffer From A Sleep Disorder?

Do you snore? Do you wake up tired and fatigued? Do you clench and grind your teeth at night? Do you suffer from heartburn? If you answered yes, we recommend you schedule an appointment with one of our Dental Sleep Specialists to find out more. Our Doctors can help you get a diagnosis, as well as create a treatment plan, and customize solutions for you.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring can be caused by an obstruction in the airway, a misalignment of the jaw and/or teeth, or a narrowed airway.  This obstruction could be caused by enlarged tonsils or adenoids, a deviated septum, or enlarged tongue tissue.  Snoring is often associated with a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  Not all snorers have obstructive sleep apnea, but if snoring is associated with any of the following symptoms, then it may be an indication to see a Sleep Specialist for further evaluation:

  • Breathing pauses during sleep

  • Gasping or choking at night

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness

  • Morning headaches

  • Restless sleep

  • In children, difficulty concentrating and poor attention span

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.

There are two main types of sleep apnea: central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea is when the brain does not send the signal to the lungs to breathe, while obstructive sleep apnea is when the airway becomes blocked.

Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by a number of factors such as obesity, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, nasal polyps, or a small airway.

What are the Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

The most common symptom of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring at night due to reduced airflow through their airways. Other symptoms include:

  • Daytime tiredness

  • Morning headaches.

  • Depression

  • Fatigue despite getting 7+ hours of sleep

  • Heartburn (Gastric Reflux “GERD”)

  • Sore Throat &/ Headache Every Morning

  • Waking up out of breath, or gasping for air

  • Teeth Grinding

  • Increased Blood Pressure

  • Poor Memory

  • Difficulty focusing on tasks

  • Sexual Dysfunction

  • Poor Work Performance

  • Weight Gain

Can lead to:

  • Increased chance of Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • Increased chance of Stroke or Heart Attack

Sleep Apnea Symptoms In Children

Sleep Apnea symptoms in children may not be as obvious, and can include:

  • Sluggishness or sleepiness

  • Daytime mouth breathing

  • Unusual sleeping positions

  • Bedwetting

  • Excessive sweating at night

  • Learning or behavioral difficulties 

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

Dental sleep medicine is the treatment that uses dental appliances to help patients stop snoring by keeping their airways open while they sleep. These appliances are used in conjunction with other treatments, such as weight loss or CPAP therapy.

The name "dental sleep medicine" might be misleading because it does not actually involve any medicine. It is an alternative to more invasive surgical procedures like UPPP surgery or tonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

How Can A Dentist Help With Sleep Apnea?

Dentists are qualified to treat obstructive sleep apnea because they possess an in-depth understanding of how the mouth and the surrounding structures work and how teeth and jaw position or alignment affects the airway. They work in conjunction with medical sleep specialists to first properly diagnose sleep apnea and then provide recommendations on how to treat the condition.

How To Stop Snoring?

What Is A Night Guard /  Oral Appliance Therapy?

Oral appliance therapy is a form of treatment for snoring. It is also known as a snore guard or anti-snoring mouthpiece.  

How Does An Oral Appliance Work To Treat Snoring / Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

This device helps to keep the lower jaw in a forward position, which makes the airway more open and prevents the tongue from falling back into the throat, which causes snoring.

There are many different types of oral appliances available, including mandibular advancement devices, tongue stabilizing devices, and even chin straps to help prevent snoring.

The effectiveness of this treatment depends on various factors like age, weight, the severity of sleep apnea, and other medical conditions.

What is life like without sleep apnea and OSA?

The benefits of treating snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are numerous. Our primary goal at True Dental Care is to help you wake up in the morning feeling rested. More importantly, with a restored level of oxygen nourishment of your vital organs, your general sense of wellness will improve. Treating snoring and sleep apnea can minimize the health implications if improper oxygen supply to your body can help keep you healthy. 

How is True Dental Different?

You may typically find that there is a general lack of continuity of care if you attempt to independently coordinate the medical evaluations needed to diagnose and treat sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea. 

At True Dental Care, our providers have taken extensive training in the art and science of treating snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. We will support you as your liaison as you journey through the medical and dental evaluations and therapies required to combat these conditions. Unlike other sleep medicine providers, dentists at True Dental Care will evaluate you from both a general health and dental health perspective to ensure that you are provided the most comprehensive solution to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much does it cost?

Treatment may cost $2500 if you have no insurance coverage. Due to the likelihood that this treatment is being rendered following a medical diagnosis, it is possible to have medical insurance cover some or all of the expense. What’s more, True Dental Offers financing options that supports the accessibility to dental treatment. 

  1. How many appointments?

It may take as few as 3 dental appointments for you to start seeing improvement in your snoring or obstructive sleep apnea condition. More appointments are necessary if there is an opportunity to continue to improve the results of your treatment over time. 

  1. How soon will I see improvement?

Many people see improvement in as little as 1 month after using a snoring or obstructive sleep apnea device. Your result may vary as the conditions that cause snoring or obstructive sleep apnea vary by individual.

  1. Does the treatment hurt or is it uncomfortable?

The best part of the treatment for snoring and sleep apnea is how little invasive it is. Most who wear their sleep appliances regularly grow to love them and feel uncomfortable when not sleeping with the appliance. Additionally, many solve or significantly improve their snoring and obstructive sleep apnea without any surgery or medication. 

Contact True Dental Care Today!

If you or someone you love has a sleep disorder True Dental Care has Dental Sleep Experts that can help you.  For more information please contact our office today at (201) 565-0880 to schedule an appointment.