

If you are looking to set your teeth back into alignment, there are quite a lot of options you can choose from - the most common being traditional metal braces. Metal braces were invented centuries ago, but in 1997, Invisalign® became the newest and quickest way to move teeth. The aligners are created from medical grade plastic so that they don’t cause discomfort and exert too much pressure on your gums. Invisalign® are less conspicuous/visible compared to metal braces. The aligner trays are often changed every one-to-two weeks until your teeth are properly aligned. They are much easier to maintain, remove, and clean after eating, so you don't have to visit the dentist often. Ultimately, you won't feel pain whenever you have them on.


Invisalign® are applauded for their subtle and effective way of straightening teeth. However, in-house aligners are a more effective alternative. Like every great invention, after 20 years, the technology no longer has its patents viable. This means competitors are able to provide alternative options to consumers for a lower price.  In-house aligners are simply our own brand of “True Dental Care” clear aligners. We have invested in the latest cad-cam 3D printing technology in order to bring clear aligners to our patients at an affordable price.   In-house aligners are not made in commercial quantities like other aligners. Our in-house aligners at True Dental Care are remarkably clear braces. They perform exceptionally and operate on the same principle as Invisalign®. They gradually move your teeth into position as you graduate through the aligner series - without causing pain or discomfort. They are custom-made to suit your specific needs. True Dental Care In-house aligners are crafted from innovative materials and designed with state-of-the-art technology to ensure the highest quality, strength, and most desired outcome.


Invisalign® is a remarkable treatment for teeth alignment and correcting other orthodontic issues in both kids and teens. It's advised that you book a meeting with your orthodontist for your kids as soon as they turn seven. Going for dental consultation and evaluation at an early age for both kids and teens offers countless benefits, including spotting potential dental problems like cavities, overcrowded teeth, misalignment, and chances of overbite. It's easier to correct dental problems at these early ages than when they are all grown and turned adults. Invisalign® works almost the same way for kids and teens as it does in adults. The most appreciated benefit of Invisalign® is aesthetics. Unlike the popular metal braces, Invisalign® is discrete and less conspicuous when you talk or smile. They also eliminate the need for brackets and wire that accompany metal braces. Invisalign® are molded from plastic to ease and reduce the pressure they exert on your gum - this means no pain, no bruises, and no discomfort. Interestingly, Invisalign® is easy to maintain! You can remove, clean, and replace them yourself, making them a comfortable and convenient option compared to other types of braces.


Aligners are a great investment that will leave an everlasting smile on your face. Since you are going to be wearing them for several weeks, you should ensure that they are kept clean and are well taken care of.

Here are tips for taking care of your aligners 

1. Always rinse aligners with cold water whenever you remove them. Rinsing your aligners regularly prevents dried saliva from building up and also hinders bacteria activity.

2. Don't use hot water to clean your aligners. Remember that clear aligners are made from plastic, which has a low tolerance for heat! Also, resist the temptation of running them through your dishwasher because you will end up ordering replacements.

3. Always brush and floss before wearing your aligners. Brushing and flossing get rid of food particles that are lodged or trapped in your teeth. Wearing your aligner over trapped food could result in more dental problems, including bad breath.

4. Use an anti-bacterial soap to wash your aligners. Using toothpaste and a brush will leave marks on your aligners and defeat the purpose of wearing a clear aligner.

5. Soak your aligners in clear retainer cleaner to avoid discoloration - as the case would be if you had used mouthwash products.