Orthodontic FAQ


Parents, especially first-time moms and dads, often get confused as to when they should take their child for an initial orthodontic consultation.

Orthodontic experts advise that you take them when they turn seven, sometimes earlier. Almost every child starts to grow their permanent teeth at this age, and it is easier to spot any potential oral challenge they may have in the future.

It's also easier to correct orthodontic concerns at this age because the bones are more flexible and are still rapidly growing. This helps the orthodontist prescribe treatment and follow up sessions to help the child develop healthy oral health and hygiene. 

Check-in with us at True Dental Care® for your consultations, and rest assured we will put an everlasting smile on your child's face.


Often, parents find themselves at a crossroads trying to decide whether their teen is ready for braces or not. 

The best time to get braces for your kids is between 7 to 12 years old, when they are still growing and it’s easy to straighten teeth, as well as prevent and correct any dental abnormalities. 

However, you should seek their opinion before making any decision because teenagers are often sensitive about their looks and may find it challenging to cope with anything that will alter their facial appearance. 

You should discuss the different types of braces and procedures together. 


Taking care of your braces can be tedious, but you must take time to ensure that they are clean and well cared for. 

Braces have tiny spaces in between where food can be trapped. Trapped food can lead to plaque and other dental problems. 

Brushing after every meal or snacks, flossing, and following basic orthodontic care will help achieve results fast - while also keeping your teeth and gums healthy.


Beyond boosting confidence and putting a dashing smile on faces, braces help kids and teens achieve the perfect “orofacial” appearance.

Braces are reliable treatments for crooked or crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, incorrect jaw position, and disorders of the jaw joints, among others. 

All of these can pose a challenge during eating and chewing, and it’s best to treat and correct them at an early age.

Losing Baby Teeth

Mila Cohen refers to the baby teeth as primary teeth. Primary teeth can be lost too early for a number of reasons, including:

  • An infection that causes tooth decay may prompt an extraction.

  • Injuries or accidents can knock them out.

  • Diseases and other health conditions may lead to early loss.

  • Primary teeth may be missing from birth.

Orthodontic care only requires space maintainers if the primary tooth is lost and the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. The space maintainer serves to hold that space open until the permanent tooth erupts.


Many people believe that braces hurt, and this false notion makes people dread visiting dentists and orthodontists. Over time, braces have been used for orthodontic treatments without the "agonizing or traumatizing" pain, as people say. No! Braces don't hurt. Braces are effective in correcting overcrowded and misaligned/crooked teeth. They are also proven to treat overbite, overjets, open bites, and more! All of these problems become apparent in kids between ages seven to fourteen - that's why you should take your kids to see an orthodontist for early dental evaluation. It's not unusual (for children and adults) to feel a little pain and discomfort immediately after fixing and tightening your braces. This pain is usually mild and should wear off within a couple of hours or less, depending on your tolerance for pain. At True Dental Care®, we will help you choose the right braces and save you discomfort or pain. We will also guide you on how to clean them and adjust to having braces.


Dental problems are not the best experiences, and they are often accompanied by pain and discomfort.Most people lose sleep and appetite until they check in with their dentist or orthodontist.As much as maintaining healthy oral hygiene and general well-being cannot be overemphasized, it shouldn't cost you a fortune to access quality and professional oral treatment.  How much braces cost depends on the individual case and the extent of treatment required. The cost of braces is also dependent on the specific type of braces: metal, ceramic, lingual, and Invisalign®. On average, braces should cost between $3,000 to $8,000 – note that the cost varies with location and whether you have insurance or not. This cost also varies from children to adults. Braces for adults often cost more compared to braces for children regardless of their location. However, it’s important to note that you could spend more or less than the average price depending on how long you will be wearing them.Whatever the case may be, rest assured that you will get the best prices at True Dental Care®!